I’ve got some exciting news for you: my Cherry Blossom Stole pattern makes an appearance in issue 11 of tinyStudio Creative Life magazine! I can tell you it’s a very special edition. Not only does it have over 120 pages of articles on spinning, weaving, knitting & crochet, it’s also available in both digital and print format!

I don’t know if you’re familiar with it, so I’ll just tell you. It’s a quarterly digital publication, with rich content like embedded videos, and slidable galleries of eye candy. It focuses on mindfulness, freedom from stress and clutter, and a conscious approach to fiber crafts. tinyStudio Creative Life is not just a magazine for spinners and fiber artists. There is also the tinyStudio TV video podcast. This gives hands on demonstrations of techniques, interviews with contributors, etc. to enrich and enhance the content of each issue. Below you can find the table of contents of this issue:

The underlying theme of this issue is naturally beautiful. Editor Suzy Brown has left this deliberately quite open, because it is a subject that could have many different interpretations. And indeed, throughout this issue you will see many naturally beautiful things. We all see beauty
in our own unique ways and find our own expressions of the inspiration it brings us by using our own voices.

To get your copy of this issue of tinyStudio Creative Life, visit this link. Not sure yet whether you’d like it? Visit this page to download the free anniversary issue of tinyStudio magazine, and see all the rich content each and every issue provides.